When it's Broken

by - March 08, 2015

I was letting go of a thing few days ago and realized... if that thing happened to be of such value, then it would be really difficult to trash it out eyh? But life is such. It is so much easier to let go of things we don't really value and hold on to something we cherish the most. Like those that we spent so much of our time, effort and money, and most of those that touch our hearts deeply. So how do we really value things? or is there really value on such things? I have often ask myself lately on what is important to me now. What is it that gives me joy and what is it that I would treasure the most. I am not talking about life here, for obviously, it ranks the most important to all of us. So what is it that defines me now. Is it a sense of purpose? to answer a calling to an ultimate need? to consume myself to human activism? to embrace an eminent responsibility? to console humanity? or to sit back watch the world go by, give a sigh of relief and let things be. How much do we give value to living? or are we too consume with all the "this is what its suppose to be" that we forget what is important. That with all the generalities in life we put everything in one tag and seek for more. How many more "valuable" things we need to have to be able to find our sense of self. 

Probably one of the greatest challenge for me and my journey to minimalism is how to really identify what I need, what is important and what should be cherished. I have heard and read so many claims about finding self worth through wanting less but is it really that easy? or is it just a trend? I have realized that this is more than just decluttering the trash you have been keeping your whole life. It is accepting what you are going to be with far far less than what the world owns. And then be happy of the choice you make without rationalizations and fancy/trendy definitions. Without being so self upholding and accepting that others have different choices than yours. So this is where I lay my thoughts to rest. To realized that what I value the most would certainly defines how I see myself regardless of not wanting more. So would I sit back and watch the world go by? definitely not perhaps... but I will find value in the most simple things I can do, the most simple things I can find and be happy on the thought that I can see in myself the change I wish to see even if it doesn't make any difference to the world. Have a wonderful week ahead wonderful people.

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