What If I only Live Once

by - April 20, 2015

"Stay calm, you have a full life to live." Apparently I have to keep reminding myself so often that I never need to be afraid about anything anymore, never need to rush and never need to keep pursuing things that are never meant to be... and that I could never bungee jump even if I only live once and the "you got to live life to the fullest" requirement ;) It appears that here is that near death experience notion that we need take life at full swing, do something you haven't done before, go to places you never been before and sky dive from a speeding jet. However, my life is actually quite the contrary... I have never even done a marathon or stand up for any cause at all (not just yet). 

It seems like more and more I find myself taking life at a slow pace.  A slow walk instead of a marathon. It seems like waiting patiently for things to happen on its own time gives me that peace I never once have. And those little gaps between waiting comes like a perfect interlude.

So this week I did something that I always fail at doing. I started my own organic garden. Well, this is not a start to be honest. This is by far one start of my million tries to grow something. But I would patiently wait for the first sight of life forcing its way out of the seeds I have planted. And though I can't be too excited, I am anticipating that one day a life will grow.

This week Kodi was very sick.  He wasn't sleeping so well, eating, and he was shaking because of fever. But thank heavens for great vets and a couple of shots, he is running about again and doing whatever dogs do :) Also, since we have decided to stay in for the Songkran Holidays, we never get to do much but sleep, eat, nap, read, then repeat ;) Well, our weekend went as calmly and as quietly as we can manage. And looking forward to a great week. Have a wonderful week beautiful people! and remember

  The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.
Bob Moawad

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  1. Hey! I think, you've done pretty well in your gardening. You look gorgeous with your hair and thankfully the sideburns disappear. Also glad to know that Kodi is feeling better now. Love you. xx
